Deadline of August 15 for scholarship application is approaching. Please apply as soon as possible.
Each year the Alberta Thai Association recognizes those who:
• made special contributions to our Association
• have outstanding achievements (for example, in sports, community involvement, etc)
• graduated from high school and/or post-secondary educational institutions or
• achieved scholastic excellence worthy of scholarship for further study.

We invite you, our Members, to nominate those you feel are worthy of recognition or have achievements which should be celebrated.
The Alberta Thai Association (ATA) is continually striving to be more relevant and beneficial to its Members and the community at large. As part of these ongoing revitalization efforts, the Board of Directors (the Board) has initiated a program whereby gifts, awards, scholarships and recognitions will be given to its deserving Members, including immediate family Members. In doing so, it has developed the following guidelines to define each category of these accolades and how they are applied for and awarded.
Selection Committee
The Board will create an application process and form an independent ad hoc Selection Committee to assist the Board in advertising and seeking potential recipients for the various scholastic, meritorious and recognition awards which are available to Members including immediate family. The Committee will be responsible for nominating them in writing to the Board for its final decision.
When there is good news to celebrate or bad or sad news to express sympathies within its Membership, ATA wants to show that it is aware of what is happening in the community and to offer something tangible to the Members or families involved to share their happiness or sadness. A gift of money or consumable goods, to be determined by the Board, will be presented to the Member(s) on such occasions.
· Occasions that may qualify for a gift:
– Completion of high school, college, trade school or university program
– Marriage
– Birth
– Death
– Unexpected disaster or misfortune, e.g., natural disaster, major robbery/loss
Qualified recipients:
The Board of Directors is responsible for monitoring and collecting information on an ongoing basis about what is happening among the Members that may qualify for gifts. A form is provided in ATA Newsletter and website for Members to report such information to the Board.
The Board of Directors will compile an ongoing list of possible recipients, giving reasons why they should receive the gifts, for approval at subsequent Board meetings.
Once approved the gifts will be presented to the recipients in a timely manner.
In the cases of gifts to graduates of high school, college, polytechnic institute or university, the Board will involve the Selection Committee. These gifts will be presented at the annual ATA Awards Night.
Awards and Scholarships
When Members achieve great successes or recognitions in certain endeavours which bring honour to themselves, their families and their community, ATA rejoices in these accomplishments by recognizing them publicly with suitable awards. The awards may be in the form of written accolades, money or suitable objects, to be determined by the Board. The scholarships will be in the form of money, the value and number of which is determined by the Board.
The scholarships are open for application to Members, or their children, who are pursuing their certificate, diploma or degree in recognized institutions. The recipients of the scholarships will be selected through the review of the applications by the Selection Committee which will then recommend them in writing to the Board for its final decision. Once the Board approves, the awards and scholarships will be presented to the recipients at the annual ATA Awards Night.
The recipients of these awards may be classified under three categories:
· Academic achievement. Examples: Grade 12 students graduating with Honours; technical institution, college or university students who receive citations from their faculties or institutions. Nomination by ATA Member, using the “Alberta Thai Association Special Recognition Reporting/Nomination Form”, is required.
· Outstanding personal achievement. Examples: athletes who have been awarded gold, silver or bronze medals at institutional, provincial, national or international level; Members who excel in their careers and have been recognized by their peers, companies, institutions or government; Members who have volunteered their services to the society and have been recognized by the organizations they serve. Nomination by ATA Member, using the “Alberta Thai Association Special Recognition Reporting/Nomination Form”, is required.
· Scholarships: to be applied for by students with high academic achievements or proven financial need. Students may apply for the scholarships each year using the “Application Form for ATA Scholarships”. Nomination by an ATA Member, using the “Alberta Thai Association Special Recognition Reporting /Nomination Form” is required.
Recognition for Services to ATA
Members who serve on the Board or help in various activities or functions are all volunteers who sacrifice both their time and effort, sometimes even money, to ensure survival and smooth operations of ATA. Many of them have been with the Board since its inception and many have worked hard and long hours in functions such as Songkran, Heritage Festival and Casino for no personal gain but with true volunteer spirit to serve the community.
ATA wishes to show its appreciation to those who have served the Association long and well in various capacities. This recognition may be in the form of a plaque or a financial gift or both, as the Board deems appropriate. The recipients of this recognition are classified into three categories:
· Board Members with long service of at least 10 years
· Board Members who have served in an executive capacity for at least two terms and are retiring or have retired
· Members or non-members who have performed or accomplished special tasks for ATA
Nominations of the recipients may be made to the Selection Committee in writing by any Member or group of Members, citing the recipients’ contributions that deserve recognition, using the “Alberta Thai Association Special Recognition Reporting/Nomination Form”. The Selection Committee will then forward their recommendations to the Board for approval. Recognition(s) for service will be presented to recipients at the annual ATA Awards Night.
Qualified recipients: For the purpose of these guidelines, Member means a paid-up Member in the year he/she receives the above accolades. A recipient may be a Member or immediate family member such as son or daughter. Gifts of condolences are also extended to parents of Members.
Awards & Scholarship Deadline (Download forms from below)
2024 Guidelines for Gifts, Awards and Scholarship
2024 Report, Special Recognition and Nomination Form
2024 Scholarships Application Form